Yikes! You’re probably wondering what the connection can be? “Farms and gardens? Sure! That makes sense. . .but epidemics? Surely nothing good can come from that!” Not to worry! They each actually do share something in common, and it’s one of my favorite permaculture principles, “Integrate Rather Than Separate” (also known as “stacking functions”). What does that mean? That in effective, resilient systems
- all elements (large and small) each have a part to play (or primary function) that contributes to overall, effective performance
- each element should also be able to perform other functions, in addition to their primary ones
- at least some of the elements should be able to provide “back up” for “mission critical” functions in the event of the inevitable disruptions or failures that occur.
- One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka
- Gaia's Garden, Second Edition: A Guide To Home-Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway
- Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell
A detailed discussion of the techniques and strategies described in each of these books is well beyond the scope of this series, but you should still come away with a basic understanding of how they work. I encourage you to check out each of these titles yourself for more details on how you might incorporate the ideas they contain, to build both personal and community resilience.
We'll start off first by looking at Masanobu Fukuoka's "One Straw Revolution".
The Farm as Eco-system
The ability to produce and distribute food is critical to a society’s health and well-being and farms play a primary role in that effort. Masanobu Fokuoka was from a small village on the island of Shikoku in southern Japan, but before he took up farming, he had a career as an agricultural scientist, in the 1930s. He first worked at the Yokohama Customs Bureau in the Plant Inspection Division, and later as the Head Researcher of Disease and Insect Control at the Kochi Prefecture Testing Station, before finally returning to his home village in the early 1940s.
Fukuoka coined the term “do-nothing farming” to describe his theories and techniques developed through trial and error over the next 30 years, on his father’s farm lands. He discusses them in detail in his book “One Straw Revolution". Now let us be clear! Fukuoka did not mean for this phrase to be taken literally. Farming is hard work! But, in his opinion, it should not be unnecessarily so. As in permaculture, he believed we should work with nature rather than against it. In fact, his approach was very similar to those used by permaculture practitioners, although, he is said to have not actually met anyone in or had knowledge of this movement during this period of experimentation.
Fukuoka noted that traditional Japanese rice farming was water intensive, but that his method allowed for a significant reduction in deliberate irrigation or "flooding". He also noted that at best, traditional Japanese methods maintained soil health while chemically treated crops over time ultimately depleted or destroyed it. However, through the strategic use of elements within his farm’s eco-system, described in more detail below, he achieved difficult and seemingly competing goals comparable or better to either traditional Japanese methods or those using chemical treatments: 1) healthy, productive soil, 2) good yields, with 3) a simultaneous reduction in expense and overall effort. Such an accomplishment is tremendous! Think about it:
In the process of meeting a key human need—growing food— the need for a critical resource— water— was reduced and another critical resource— soil— was improved, rather than diminished or depleted after use!
Fukuoka’s Approach
Fukuoka’s "do-nothing" approach avoided
- active soil cultivation
- plowing or tilling
- use of expensive petrochemical based fertilizers and insecticides
- prepared compost
- heavy machinery
Farming & Sustainability: New Perspectives
With that said that, I realize that most of us are probably not in a position to run out and start farming! But what we can learn from examining Fukuoka’s “do-nothing” approach is that by giving some thought to how a farm, as well as the work involved, is organized (that is “stacking functions” within the system), it is truly possible to move beyond a concept of mere sustainability, and instead towards outcomes that are regenerative.
Next week, we’ll look at gardening, which is probably a much more realistic option for many people, especially those living in apartments or urban settings, and see how we might achieve similar goals.
Changing Your Intent
The Farm: What You Can Do Now!
- Feeling inspired? Go out and start a farm! (just kidding. . . well, maybe only a little!)
- Consider joining a CSA or checking out your local green market (in NYC, visit Just Food or GrowNYC for more information about these options)
- Have a favorite “do nothing” local or regional farm? Drop me a comment here, or start a discussion on my With Intent Facebook page.
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